Monday, July 1, 2013

The Project

Ok, so I'm a little late creating this blog, since I have already started the project. I have been playing my father's 1983 Fender Bullet for about a year or so, and now I really want a guitar of my own to toy around with. So, I figured, why not build one? Shouldn't be that hard, right? Yeah, sure. We'll see how it comes out, and hopefully I can get some help from my father, Ray Hunt, who has decent woodworking skills.

I went at it on graphing paper, designing my own guitar. At first I came up with this:

After a while I came up with this and was much more satisfied: 

Much better. I knew I wanted a somewhat skewed guitar with maybe humbuckers or humbucker sized pickups. Then, I let the drawings be, and waited until Summer, until I would really have time for the project.

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